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About TripMakler

International service TripMakler offers services to private and business travelers in three segments.

Hotel Booking

TripMakler Hotels - international service for online hotel booking around the globe.

We are one of a few services providing access to one of the biggest hotels databases around the globe. At the moment our database has more than 150,000 hotels in 178 countries.

We work in independent travel segment. It's an alternative to the traditional package tours segment which is now fading away. We sell hotel accommodation in domestic and international locations.

When our users book a hotel, they pay the same or less then they would pay at a hotel check in deck. Our services could be paid for by debit or credit cards.

If you have additional information about any hotel or would like to add your hotel to our database, please let us know by

Airlines, frequent flyer programs, miles and special offers forum

Forum and community - discuss airlines, frequent flyer programs, miles, recent news and promotions. The conditions of airline tickets, frequent flyer programs and promos are so complex that many people have very limited understanding about them. This forum helps connect passengers and help them find answers together.

Information for travelers

TripMakler Travel Information is a service for providing local information to travelers around the globe. We offer information about airlines and their loyalty programs, customs rules, visas, airports, hotels and cars rent.

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