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Forum > Star Alliance > Turkish Airlines > Sell 21618 miles in Turkish Airlines

Sell 21618 miles in Turkish Airlines

Игорь988  •  Messages: 3  •  Years on forum: 8.4 10:45 PM 10/09/2016
I have 21618 miles. Could buy a ticket on your name for a reasonable price. My email

Hasan  •  Messages: 6  •  Years on forum: 8.6 03:48 AM 10/10/2016
I want to buy,
My email

SimLeo  •  Messages: 2  •  Years on forum: 6.4 04:39 PM 10/05/2018
Dear Kyiv,

Do you still have miles? I am looking for miles... Feel free to contact me if you have some for sale

Игорь988  •  Messages: 3  •  Years on forum: 8.4 05:19 PM 10/05/2018
Hello. I have only 6634 miles on my account. Not really much.

Ycisaaco  •  Messages: 2  •  Years on forum: 6.0 01:15 AM 02/17/2019
Hello Игорь988,

I got some trouble in my hometown so that I need miles to fly to other country. I still need 20000 miles. Hope you can transfer some miles to me now and I pay you back when everything is settled. Any amount is appreciated. If you have any question, feel free to ask me.

Isaac Cheng

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